This simple mixture is fabulous on steamed vegetables - but don't stop there. It is also amazing on salads, soups, grains, beans...

The recipe makes lots and lots. Store it in a jar (with a lid) in your fridge. 



1 cup raw sesame seeds
1 cup raw sunflower seeds
1 tbsp Chili Powder*
1 1/2 tbsp ground cumin
2 tbsp onion granules (or flakes) 1/4 cup nutritional yeast


To toast the seeds, bring a fry pan to medium–high heat. Add the sunflower and sesame seeds.
Toss gently until the seeds begin to pop and become aromatic. They should acquire a nice golden color.

Before adding the seasonings, turn off the heat, and while the pan is still hot, add the nutritional yeast and spices and toss well to combine.

*Note: Depending on the spiciness of the chili powder used and how spicy you like your food, you may want to adjust the amount of Chili powder.

Allow the mixture to cool and place in a sealed container. It will keep for a couple of months.

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Trick to Eat WAY More Steamed Veggies:

Steaming is such a quick and easy way to cook veggies except...

...when it comes to the chopping. Then suddenly it becomes time consuming and an easy thing to talk yourself out of. 

Here's how I get around that. 

Queue up your favorite podcast, audio book or sing-along-at-the-top-of-your-voice tunes and grab a head of broccoli. Chop it up into bite size pieces*. Listen (or groove out) while you chop. You'll be done in no time. 

Load those pieces into a cotton bag (which is what I do and you can see in the photo - you can also get official 'produce' bags) and store that bag right at eye level on your fridge. 

Now whenever you go to make yourself lunch or dinner, grab that bag, reach in and grab a small handful of veggies and pop them in your steamer. By the time you have loaded whatever else you are having onto your plate, they will be ready. Sprinkle a little Magical Seed Mix onto them. Your body will send you a heart felt thank you!

*If you are still in the mood for singing/dancing/listening when you finish chopping your broccoli - chop some other veg!