Get the details you need to make it work. 

The Resource Gold Program

Program Investment: $195


The same questions come up all the time...

For a good reason!

It's one thing to understand the broad strokes - eat whole food, plant based and you'll get dramatically wonderful health results. But when you get into the day to day logistics - the questions start popping up all over the place. What does it mean exactly... How much should I... Is it better to... How important is it to... Should I worry about... What's the best way...

I have been answering these types of questions for seven years. When I hear the same ones again and again - it's a good sign that there isn't clear information available. That's when I host a workshop or give a presentation.  

This program covers a range of topics like choosing bread, using your freezer effectively, preventing evening snacking, prepping mushrooms... It is built to answer your questions - even before you even know you have the question!

Check out the samples of lessons below. 

The Resource Gold Program: Over 40 lessons with information that cuts to the chase so you can get the results you want without getting mired down and overwhelmed. 

Here's a sample of what to expect in this program... 

This is just a sample. There are over 40 helpful videos, demos and downloads that will make your journey easier in the Resource Gold Program.


One payment of $195 

The Resource Gold Program Details

Here's what you're going to get from this program: 

  • Clarity and confidence around exactly what you should be eating.
  • Time saving strategies for prepping and storing food.
  • Reduction in confusion around labels, science, information that feels conflicted on the Internet
  • Real world (and proven) strategies for overcoming bad habits and building up sustainable, healthy habits

The brass tacks: 

  • Lifetime Access to the 40+ lessons
  • You can ask all the questions you want and expect answers directly from Justine.   
  • Video demonstrations
  • Helpful downloads

The Investment:

The investment in the program is $195.

Register for the program here

One payment of $195 

Who You Will Be Working With

My name is Justine Brown and I specialize in helping women transition into eating whole food, plant based.

I believe that the best of all worlds is possible: fabulous tasting food can be the strongest ally women have when taking control of their own health destiny. 

It is my personal mission to help as many people as I possibly can find their food joy in eating whole food, plant based. I love showing the path to making it so much easier.

I'm a graduate of the Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate Program at the Center for Nutritional Studies. I'm a certified Plant-Based Cook through the Rouxbe Cooking School. I am an experienced coach, passionate about helping women find their food joy.